The photo below was sent to us by Dawna Vicars. Written on the back of the photograph are the words, "The Nickerson's and our clan."  The sign at the opening of the cave says, "Spring at C???" (the rest is not legible).

The teenager on the far right as been identified as Kermit Crabtree, approximately 15 years old which would mean that the photo was taken circa 1939-1940.  Dawna thinks that the girls below him are his sisters, but has not confirmed their identities.  The man in the middle facing the camera is William Albert Nickerson.  The women are believed to be Dellah (Harris) Nickerson, and Viola (Nickerson) Crabtree, mother of the children on the far right.  Viola is the daughter of William and Dellah.

If you know the location of the photo or the identities of the others please email Dawn Vicars.